I got pictures of the volcano in progress from last week. A slight scare as we thought the camera was missing, but it was in the truck right where it was supposed to be. Much better than buried under a pile of dirt as was suspected.
I went to the Coffee Depot Friday night after the Relay for Life opening ceremonies. There were a lot of kids there; it is a nice hangout. I saw a few skate boarders there just waiting for this skate park to open! It sure will be nice for them to have a place to go instead of trying their tricks in the middle of a busy parking lot. I went again on Sunday afternoon to teach our four year old how to roller blade. It was slow moving on wheels, but a fun time, nonetheless. Our sixteen year old did circles around us on his blades! They got fruit smoothies and I got a frozen vanilla latte, and we enjoyed the sunshine and the afternoon.
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