Reduce the Stress in Your Life
I am borrowing this blog entry idea from our friends at L.L Geans Construction Co. in Mishawaka, IN. Thank you for your great newsletters. We enjoy looking at your projects and reading about your company.
"Sadly, many of us constantly postpone our happiness - indefinitely. It's not that we consciously set out to do so, but we keep convincing ourselves, "Someday I'll be happy." It will happen when the bills are paid, when we finish school, get our first job, after we get married, have a child, when the child is older... We'll be happy when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, when we retire. And on and on and on!
"Meanwhile, life moves on. The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now. Life will always be filled with challenges. Admit it and decide to be happy anyway."
Mine is the "when I retire" one. My husband's is "when we get this next job done." There is always another job that falls into the same "when we get this next job done." I won't say we are always complaining, because we don't. At least we are truly trying to make an effort to be happy. Are you? I know it is difficult, especially if you work with or live with a constant whiner. But our attitude is just that, ours. And we can make it what we want it to be. Let's make an effort to wake up each day and say, "Today, I am going to be happy!
God bless.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
8 Tips for a Durable Concrete Driveway
Now is a great time of year to upgrade your home with a concrete driveway. Think back to last winter...did you have ice between the stones on your gravel driveway that just wouldn't melt? Did your snow blower or shovel keep getting stuck on the heaving cracks of your asph
alt or old concrete? Forward to spring...are you, like me, tired of raking gravel out of your yard from the snow removal from your gravel driveway? (Yes, we do concrete work and I still have a gravel driveway...such is life on a farm and I am okay with that!) You don't want to go through that again, do you?

But before you sign the contract or otherwise commit to a contractor to place the concrete, make sure you are going to get a quality and long lasting job. Here are some things to look for before you sign the dotted line:
1) Base - a compacted base is a must for a quality end product. We recommend a 4" gravel base compacted uniformly and evenly so the slab won't settle and won't vary in thickness.
3) Reinforcement - You may have the option of fiber, wiremesh or rebar reinforcement. Fiber is usually used in concrete to reduce plastic shrinkage cracks or dry shrinkage cracks, the cracks that may occur during the initial curing process. The intent of wire or rebar is to hold the concrete together should cracking occur to reduce the heaving or shifting of concrete. Don't let any contractor tell you that their concrete won't crack. A contractor can do all they can to control the cracks, but they do occur beyond anyone's control. For more information on cracking, visit this website:
5) A new slab should be allowed two months of curing time of temperatures above 40 degrees F. In our location, we do not recommend placing a driveway after October 1st.
6) Joints - Control or contraction joints on a 4" thick slab should be placed approximately every 10 feet and at a depth of at least 1/4" into the thickness. The joint gives potential cracking a place to "run" instead of randomly zigzagging across your driveway. If you find a crack in a control joint, that means it worked!
7) Curing - This is one of the most important steps in concrete construction. There are a variety of ways to cure concrete, but the most widely used method is a liquid membrane which is sprayed or rolled on the surface of the slab immediately after finishing.
8) In most cases you should be able to walk on your driveway the day after it is pl
aced, but don't drive your vehicle on it for 7-10 days after placement. It actually won't reach its 4500 psi compression strength for up to 28 days in normal temperatures. Consult with your contractor on when he/she says it is okay to drive on your new driveway.
If you have questions, please leave me a comment and I will be glad to help guide you in your search for a durable driveway.
I pray that God blesses you in all you do, and that you have a wonderful weekend.
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